3 Helpful Tools For Remote Studies
Remote studies are a popular option because many companies can recruit a wider range of participants. Fortunately, there are a variety of tools you can use to perform more in-depth studies.
1. Two-Way Video
Two-way video is an excellent supplement for traditional focus groups or in-person interviews. Since many people have video and audio equipment on their computer or mobile device, there is good chance this will not be a limiting factor when recruiting participants. Another benefit of two-way video is you have better confirmation of demographic information, especially when you are investing more money in participant incentives.
Lying about demographic information can be a concern during online surveys and other remote research. With video, you have the capability of visually confirming the participant is being truthful about their age, race, and sex. Two-way video also works well for focus groups where participants might be a little bashful about discussing their opinions with a group of people in-person.
2. Discussion Boards
Discussion boards are another popular tool in market research because it allows you to gain more information than a traditional survey, but the environment is controlled by moderators. You might choose to have a discussion board for a few days or several weeks, depending on the topic. In some cases, participants might upload picture or video regarding shopping trips or other useful information applicable to your research.
Another goal of discussion boards is to encourage interaction among participants. They might answer questions posted by a moderator and respond to answers posted by participants. Since the discussion board is available at all hours for the duration of the study, it allows more participants to interact that would otherwise have difficulties engaging in research at designated times. To add to the flexibility of a discussion board, be sure to use a platform that can be accessed via mobile.
3. Video Diaries
Depending on the budget for your study, you might choose to incorporate video diaries. Usually, this can be achieved by mailing participants an inexpensive camera, or they might have a suitable camera on their mobile device. Video diaries are useful if you want to capture candid experiences from participants, such as shopping habits or sensitive subjects.
If a participant does not have adequate internet access, they can return the SD card by postal mail, but in most cases, they should be able to upload the video to a secure server. Video diaries are a helpful way for researchers to follow each participant over the course of several days or longer. If your study is about sensitive subjects, such as illness, you may find this format allows you to gain a candid perspective as the participant becomes more comfortable with the camera.
Remote studies are increasingly popular since it widens the pool of available participants. There are several tools your company can use to capture invaluable information from participants across the world. Contact a company like Murray Hill National for more information and assistance.