How To Use Scent Branding In Your Marketing Efforts

You need to use a variety of marketing tactics to make your business successful. It has to compete with other stores in your area, it has to draw in new customers, and it has to retain old ones. While you probably use print and digital forms of advertising, you may be new to the world of scent branding. Scent branding can actually be very powerful since it connects with the emotions of your customers through the sense of smell. Read More 

Not Using Video Marketing Yet? 4 Reasons Why You Should Start

When it comes to online advertising, if you're not using video marketing, you're only getting half the job done. Online advertising is great, but in a video-centered world, it's not going to get you the responses you need to keep your business ahead of the competition. If you've decided against adding video marketing to your advertising, here are four reasons why you should reconsider. Video Turns Browsing into Sales If you do online advertising, you know how important it is to get customers to your site. Read More 

Advertising On The Go With Mobile Truck Signs

Advertising your business in a way that is unique and eye-catching is hard enough, but you also need to reach the largest group of people possible for the least amount of advertising money in order to be competitive. Finding that one perfect advertising method is hard and there may not be one thing that works for everyone. Consider your audience and the best way to reach them then tailor your advertising to the market and audience. Read More 

Own A Retail Store? 3 Tips To Keep Your Current Customers Happy

If you own a retail store, it is important that you keep your current customers happy so they keep returning to your store to purchase your products. Fortunately, there are many ways you can do this, three of which are listed below. Do Text Analytics With text analytics, also known as text mining, you can learn what your customers want and the problems they may be having with your product. This can be done manually but it would be very difficult. Read More 

6 Tips For Improving Your Company’s Website

These days, it is important for all businesses to have a website. Even if you own a small business and know most of your customers by name, you should still develop a website that is easy to navigate. According to AT&T's Networking Exchange Blog, a website will give you a leg up on the competition, make your business look more credible and help you build relationships with your customers. However, customers will be less likely to come back to your website if it does not look nice. Read More